Sunday 4 October 2009

Magnificent 7

Hiya and now we are 7 .

What do you think about all these conferences that are going on for the different parties-Labour and that ? I think a few things . Since when did that fellah off radio 4 morning show John thingy decide that who `s going to win the election. (according to him the conservatives have already won -no ones cast a vote yet ! - no wonder so many people don`t bother) And when will they all realise that what we want is not them all falling out and calling each other names and playing dirty tricks - NO ONES GOT ANY MONEY , WE DONT MAKE ANYTHING AND THERE ARE NO JOBS FOR OUR KIDS - why cant they all get together and sort it out . It beats me !!

All the best followers ,
BArbara Nice


Pumpkin said...

I agree Barb-era, they need their bloomin heads knocking together. You should run for PM - you'd be dead good XXX

Barbara said...

Thanks Stuart love . I will think about it -only thing is Ive got the lean to to tip out first . Cant going dying and leave it for the kids to sort xxx