Sunday 21 December 2008

tree up

Have had a good tip out of shite from the lean to ready for all the new shite that Christmas brings wrapping paper and packaging wise . Our Valerie came round and we loaded it up in her brother in laws van that she borrows (Ken was watching telly so couldnt help). Then me and Val went to the tip . What a treat !the fellahs were cheery and helpful and they were playing Slades "So here it is , Merry Christmas " dead loud so you could hear it all over the place . I could have lived there.
On the way home we went passed a shop with Christmas trees outside and me and Val just pulled up and got one each . Loaded it up in the back of the van and Bobs your uncle . Came home feeling very Christmassy and good . Ken of course moaned about the shape of the tree but bugger him .
Barbara xx

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