Saturday, 5 September 2009

Loveley morning

Hiya , the sun is out and I feel a million dollars. Ive had a good sleep and although I was on a coach from Blackburn for 3 and a half hours last night and didnt get home till 3.30 in the morning - I feel good . Funny isn`t it how some days you can wake up and feel raring to go and others you feel like your dragging yourself around like a bag of muck .

I feel at one with things ... What is this life so full of care we have no time to stop and stare?

My eyes have just noticed how bloody filthy this key pad thing is -there`s crumbs and all sorts down it -I`ll bloody kill our Liam .

Off to get the Cillitt Bang


1 comment:

Pumpkin said...

Be careful with that Cilit Bang - best use the vacuum to pick up the crumbs and keep the Cilit Bang for getting your pennies nice and shiny.