Wednesday, 30 September 2009

My five followers

And then there were five !

Hiya loves .

Now this Anglo Saxon gold thats been found..... I wonder if it was up to much when they lost it all those years ago ? I have a shoe box full of bits and pieces of jewellery- a lot of it elizabeth duke . Now we know that thats not as classy as H. Samuels . But in years to come people won`t know that will they ? They could be forgiven for thinking Elizabeth Duke of Argos (It sounds dead posh dont it ! ) was really something .

My hoop earings with the dodgy clasp could end up in a Museum and Art gallerey somewhere !
We could be paying a fortune in reward money for the equivalent of an anglo saxons housewives Grattons catalogue charm bracelet.
Makes you think doesnt it !!!
All the best BArbara xxx

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