Friday, 17 July 2009

swine flu

Its really here isnt it .
There was me poo pooing it and its pigging here !
How to keep safe from it
......Keep your vitimin c up thats what I think.
......Simple things like washing your hands with soap and water and not picking your nose !
If you get it dont worry . My friend Noel has it and he said it was lovely -he got to be off work for a fortnight and hespent it all in bed reading and watcjing day time TV . wea rent ill the same as we used to be and I think this is giving us a chance to reap the benfits of being poorly for a bit . I learned to knit when I had chicken pox when i was 6 . Maybe the dying art of knitting will have a resugence because of Swine flu -whio knows . Theres always a silver lining !

1 comment:

Barbara said...

terrible spelling Barbara !