Wednesday, 11 February 2009

It makes you think

I was watching Jeremy Kyle at our Valeries gym (I was on a day pass and it was just before Body pump ) There was this women on -hair a mess -gob the size of the Mersey Tunnel - big belly all hanging out yet it turns out she has had loads of affairs (To get it right she has slept with 5 of her her boyfirends friends and kissed 6 of them )
I looked at our Valerie -always on a diet , hair dressers once every 12 weeks, never away from boxercise and I thought whats going on .
I know for a fact because she told me when she was drunk at our Naomis wedding that her and Peter don`t and havnt for years . And theres this women blarting her head off on Jeremy and shes at it all the time .

It makes you think dont it .

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