Sunday, 29 November 2009

I dont like this parking scam thats going on everywhere . Poor people parking places that look like you can then coming back and their car has gone and they have to pay 380.00 pounds to get it back . They are cheeky swines who are doing it -greedy no gooders .
Do not park any where with a yellow notice with small letters . They will have you . ! xxxx spread the word -its a war out there and information and knowledge are our armour xxx

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Anthony Newley

"What kind of fool am i who never fell in love seems that I`m the only one that I have been thinking of .. " What a great song that is by Anthony newley . I had forgotten about him . I think he was brilliant -a proper star .

Sunday, 22 November 2009

RIP Buster

Ah I know PAul O`grady will be missing his loveley dog Buster . I have done panto with Paul and he really loves all animals . Buster was a proper character and gave a lot of people a lot of pleasure - he was TV hit and a loyal companion .

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


Hiya for the first time in ages I am poorly . dont think its that swine flu but how would you know ? any way I have been in bed .And I have found something out - I DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING ! I must say I like it . I am going to try and not do a bit more when I am not poorly as well .
All the best to you xx BArbara from Her bed xx

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Bonfire night -where are the fires ?

When we were little there were bonfires everywhere . Every one had one -up entries in back yards everywhere . The air would be full of smoke and red flames.

what a shame it doesnt still happen its just like any other night .

shame xx